Beschreibung Macharis, C: A Decision Support System for Intermodal Tran. In this informative and well-researched account, the new developments in intermodal transport are discussed, and special attention is given to evaluation models and policy measures in this field. Describing the three core models that have been either developed or enhanced to create an overall assessment framework for intermodal transport policies in Belgium—a multimodal freight model (NODUS), a discrete event-simulation model of the inland waterway network and its terminals (SIMBA), and a Location Analysis Model for Belgian Intermodal Terminals (LAMBIT)—this record analyzes the effectiveness and sustainability of policy measures in terms of modal shift, external costs, and capacity restrictions associated with the freight infrastructure network.
Macharis, C: A Decision Support System for Intermodal Tran ~ Macharis, C: A Decision Support System for Intermodal Tran: : Macharis, Cathy, Pekin, E., Caris, A., Jourquin, Bart: Libros en idiomas extranjeros
(PDF) A decision support framework for intermodal ~ A decision support framework for intermodal transport policy. Article (PDF Available) in European Transport Research Review 3(4) · December 2011 with 420 Reads How we measure 'reads' A 'read' is .
Decision support in intermodal transport: A new research ~ Caris et al. (2013) performed a literature review where they identify intermodal research topics and determine gaps in the literature regarding decision support systems for intermodal transport .
(PDF) A Real Time Decision Support System for Intermodal ~ A Real Time Decision Support System for Intermodal Container Terminals . Article (PDF Available) · January 2005 with 181 Reads How we measure 'reads' A 'read' is counted each time someone views a .
(PDF) INTEGRATED DECISION SUPPORT TOOL FOR INTERMODAL ~ Three c ore mode ls, N odus, LAMBIT and SIMBA make up the decision support system for intermodal t ransport policy making. The general a ssessment framework inte grates the se
The Academic Literature on Intermodal Freight Transport ~ Macharis, C., Caris, A., Jourquin, B. & Pekin, E. (2011) A decision support framework for intermodal transport policy. European Transport Research Review, 3, 167-178. OECD (2001) Intermodal freight transport: institutional aspects. Paris, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Parola, F. & Sciomachen, A. (2005) Intermodal container flows in a port system network .
Lean and green supply chain management through intermodal ~ neglected so far (Monios 2015, Caris, Macharis and Janssens 2013). When addressing the adoption of intermodal transport, the literature suggests three levels of decision making, i.e. strategic, tactical, and operational (SteadieSeifi et al. 2014). Strategic planning relates to investments on infrastructures to support policy makers (e.g.
(PDF) Order-based freight transportation operation ~ [2] Mach aris, C., Bontekoning, Y.M.: Opportunities for OR in intermodal freight trans- port research: A r eview . Eur opean Journal of Operation al Research, 153 (2004)
Location Analysis Model for Belgian Intermodal Terminals ~ Download : Download full-size image; Fig. 1. Intermodal cost function. Source: . At the port, intermodal barge transport has larger handling costs compared to unimodal road transport. This is due to the cranes that are being used for the transhipment of containers on barges. The main haulage is carried by barge or train. The advantage of intermodal transport lies in the smaller variable costs .
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Optimizing Train Load Planning: Review and Decision ~ A decision support system for intermodal train planning. In: Kozan, E. (ed.) Proceedings of the Second International Intelligent Logistics Systems Conference, pp. 13.1â13.17 (2006) Google Scholar 16.
An Approach for Economic Analysis of Intermodal - Hindawi ~ Macharis et al. presented the effect of fuel prices increase on the market of intermodal transportation terminals with different price scenarios by using a geographical data system for Belgium. They also investigated internalizing the externalities and showed break-even distances for both road and intermodal transportation systems subject to the alteration of fuel prices.
Intermodal network design: a three-mode bi-objective model ~ Freight transport planning is nowadays encouraged to align with environmental objectives. Among those, climate change is of particular interest for many countries. In its White Paper on Transport, the European Commission considers intermodal transport as a potential solution for reducing environmental impacts. In order to make good strategic transport decisions, realistic decision support .
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