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    Stop Killing Deals: How to avoid deadly assumptions and achieve sales excellence

    Beschreibung Stop Killing Deals: How to avoid deadly assumptions and achieve sales excellence. Unmask and defeat the deadly assumptions at the root of your selling and gain competitive advantage by viewing sales through the lens of human nature.Companies spend billions of dollars each year on sales training and technology, yet sales effectiveness keeps declining. Why? It's because too many sales organizations operate on deadly assumptions that deny the essential human nature of their sales teams and their buyers. Written by the CEO of a sales technology company, George Brontén, Stop Killing Deals defies convention by destroying the idea that CRM and other technology is the solution to all of the sales industry’s problems. Instead, the book focuses on a human-centered way of building and maintaining world-class sales organizations that support the essential human nature of those who work within them. In this quick and insightful read, you’ll learn how to:Defeat the deal-killing monsters lurking in your buyer’s subconsciousHeal your organization and give your team what they need with sales enablementAlign your strategy, process, and methodology to achieve scalable, world-class sales performanceBuild your sales coaching around your sales process to generate exponential results within complex b2b sales environmentsUnderstand the essential humanity of your sales workforce, thereby enabling you to recruit better, train, and support the people on your team in order to win more dealsTurn your sales technology into your servant, not your masterThe book contains links to a wealth of downloadable resources and tools to enable leaders to put these principles into practice right away. When you apply these principles and frameworks, you’ll win more and have more fun doing it! Read Stop Killing Deals and turn how you sell into your competitive advantage.

    Buch Stop Killing Deals: How to avoid deadly assumptions and achieve sales excellence PDF ePub

    Stop Killing Deals by George Brontén ~ "Stop Killing Deals digs into the bedrock of sales beliefs that are holding sellers back. George, in a straight-forward and many times funny way, really nails the core issues that shape our sales culture today. The great news is that we can learn new ways of thinking and doing that lead to improved avenues for sales success. Anyone who is involved with selling should read this book."

    Stop Killing Deals: How to avoid deadly assumptions and ~ Stop Killing Deals: How to avoid deadly assumptions and achieve sales excellence [Brontén, George, Druadìn Head, Fen, Andersson, Björn, Jordan, Jason] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Stop Killing Deals: How to avoid deadly assumptions and achieve sales excellence

    Stop Killing Deals: How to avoid deadly assumptions and ~ Stop Killing Deals: How to avoid deadly assumptions and achieve sales excellence - Kindle edition by Brontén, George, Druadìn Head, Fen, Andersson, Björn, Jordan, Jason. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Stop Killing Deals: How to avoid deadly assumptions and achieve sales .

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    Why You Need a Human Connection to Make Sales Soar ~ Here are the three assumptions that kill sales deals and impede sales enablement, according to George Bronten, author of Stop Killing Deals: How to Avoid Deadly Assumptions and Achieve Sales Excellence.

    Selling Power Blog: Sales Technology ~ His new book is Stop Killing Deals: How to Avoid Deadly Assumptions and Achieve Sales Excellence. . available for download via an online resource center. My hope is that the book will provide a new way to structure complex B2B sales organizations to yield substantial performance gains while honoring the basic humanity that connects us all. In a world saturated by more and more technology and .

    Stop Killing Deals (Hörbuch) von George Brontén, Fen ~ It's because too many sales organizations operate on deadly assumptions that deny the essential human nature of their sales teams and their buyers. Written by the CEO of a sales technology company George Brontén, Stop Killing Deals defies convention by destroying the idea that CRM and other technology is the solution to all of the sales industry’s problems.

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