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    How to Sell Anything to Anybody (English Edition)

    Beschreibung How to Sell Anything to Anybody (English Edition). "Salesmen are made, not born. If I did it, you can do it." -- Joe Girard In his fifteen-year selling career, author Joe Girard sold 13,001 cars, a Guinness World Record. He didn't have a degree from an Ivy League school -- instead, he learned by being in the trenches every day that nothing replaces old-fashioned salesmanship. He insists that by building on basic principles of trust and hard work, anyone can do what he did. This bestselling classic has helped millions of readers meet their goals -- and you will too. Joe will show you how to make the final sale every time, using the techniques he has perfected in his record career. You too can: TURN ONE SALE INTO 250 MORE CREATE A WINNING GAME PLAN FROM LOSING SALES KNOW THE FIVE WAYS TO TURN A PROSPECT INTO A BUYER MOVE PAST THE CUSTOMER'S LAST HURDLE TO CLOSE THE SALE SELL AT A LOSS AND MAKE A FURTUNE

    Buch How to Sell Anything to Anybody (English Edition) PDF ePub

    How to Sell Anything to Anybody: : Girard, Joe ~ How to Sell Anything to Anybody / Girard, Joe, Brown, Stanley H. / ISBN: 9780743273961 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    How to sell anything to anybody (1991 edition) / Open Library ~ in English zzzz. Not in Library. 4. How to sell anything to anybody . How to sell anything to anybody This edition published in 1991 by Warner in New York. ID Numbers Open Library OL22274306M Internet Archive howtosellanythin00gira_0 ISBN 10 0446385328 Library Thing 341290 Goodreads 2376763. Lists containing this Book. Salesmanship from leslieflores; Aman from amanraaj; Mybook from .

    How to Sell Anything to Anybody: 11 Steps (with Pictures) ~ To sell anything to anybody, start by actively engaging your customer as if they were a casual friend and show interest in them as a human being. For example, appear warm to your customer by saying something like “It’s great to have you here. Did you have a pleasant trip over?” Make sure you avoid delivering memorized sales pitches, which can turn off the customer. Also, frame the .

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