Beschreibung Digital Video Surveillance and Security (English Edition). Digital Video Surveillance and Security provides a blueprint for the IP-based electronic security system clients need, allowing security professionals to protect their client's place of business or home. The author gives detailed plans on the best camera position, areas of coverage, and hardware and software to select to maximize the effectiveness of newer lower-cost networked technologies. Clear, step-by-step descriptions and detailed illustrations describe the integration of such components as the current or new security system, door and window sensors, or other access controls, offering the capability of instantly launching a video of the area under surveillance on a computer or HDTV. Today's digital video surveillance solutions are networked, digitally archived, offering granular, managed accessibility from anywhere (any office, home, PDA, or smart phone), and providing interoperability and simple scalability. With recent advances in technology, DVS is economically attainable for most businesses. Security consultants can use this information to guide their clients in making budget-friendly choices of design and equipment and assembling the optimal system for their needs. Systems installers can use this step-by-step illustrated guide to master this crucial new technology.Vendor-neutral comparisons of camera equipment and recording optionsCommon sense approachHighly visual presentationCase studies and descriptions of best practicesStep-by-step guidesEasy to read diagrams and schematics
Digital Video Surveillance and Security (English Edition ~ Digital Video Surveillance and Security provides a blueprint for the IP-based electronic security system clients need, allowing security professionals to protect their client's place of business or home. The author gives detailed plans on the best camera position, areas of coverage, and hardware and software to select to maximize the effectiveness of newer lower-cost networked technologies.
Digital Video Surveillance and Security (English Edition ~ The use of digital surveillance technology is rapidly growing as it becomes significantly cheaper for live and remote monitoring. The second edition of Digital Video Surveillance and Security provides the most current and complete reference for security professionals and consultants as they plan, design, and implement surveillance systems to secure their places of business.
Digital Video Surveillance and Security - 1st Edition ~ Digital Video Surveillance and Security provides a blueprint for the IP-based electronic security system clients need, allowing security professionals to protect their client's place of business or home. The author gives detailed plans on the best camera position, areas of coverage, and hardware and software to select to maximize the effectiveness of newer lower-cost networked technologies.
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