Beschreibung Trailblazed: Proven Paths to Sales Success (English Edition). Is sales success the result of luck? Fate? Destiny? Is each situation unique or are there common paths successful sales agents travel? If so, are those paths open to everyone or just a select few? These were the questions addressed by the Trailblazed Sales Project Study. The conclusion: sales success is no accident. Instead, success correlates with specific practices, processes and perspectives shared by producers enjoying high growth. Most significantly, these proven paths to sales success are available to every sales professional looking to enhance their business.Full of helpful hints and creative tips, "Trailblazed: Proven Paths to Sales Success" is an insighful guide for sales professionals wanting to improve results, sales managers seeking to boost team productivity, and business owners looking to increase revenue and enhance customer satisfaction. "If you are a budding high growth sales producer or have already achieved this level, this book will give you the purpose, process and platform to take you and your business to the next level." --James Muphy, Founder & CEO, Afterburner, Inc. and author of "Flawless Execution"
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