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    X-SCM: The New Science of X-treme Supply Chain Management (English Edition)

    Beschreibung X-SCM: The New Science of X-treme Supply Chain Management (English Edition). Supply chain management today has never been more complex, more dynamic or more unpredictable. The good news is that new techniques for analyzing country-level investments, network configuration and in-sourcing/out-sourcing decisions can enable more precise and effective span of control. The latest generation of network design and optimization applications has created broader opportunities to view and streamline links between supply chain network nodes.New concepts in multi-channel demand signal capture -- and in pooling and data warehousing customer signals coming into the enterprise from retail stores, websites and call centers -- can bring the enterprise closer to the customer. Emergence of practices such as multi-channel supply management and virtualized cross-enterprise inventory pools are enabling rapid response to changes in demand, creating a level of "cyber-kanban" unimaginable a few years ago. Companies can now truly respond to the pull of the market rather than the push of supply.Companies are also using advanced Business Intelligence (BI) software to mine the demand signal repository and cull critical insights for action and response. Case in point: Wal-Mart’s response to Hurricane Katrina was based on insights gained from mining community consumption trends during previous hurricanes.

    Buch X-SCM: The New Science of X-treme Supply Chain Management (English Edition) PDF ePub

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    X-SCM: The New Science of X-treme Supply Chain Management ~ Dr. Sandor Boyson has over twenty-five years of global supply chain management consulting experience in the business and public sectors. He is the co-author (with Dr. Corsi and Ms. Harrington) of two books on Supply Chain Management, including In Real Time: Managing the New Supply Chain (Praeger, 2004). Professor Boyson is founding Co-Director of the Robert H. Smith School’s Supply Chain .

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    Supply Chain Management: Definition, Ziele + Probleme ~ Supply Chain Management (SCM) bezeichnet die Koordination und Optimierung von Wertschöpfungs- und Lieferketten. Es umfasst verschiedene Abteilungen der Beschaffung, Fertigung sowie die Distribution an den Kunden. Waren-, Geld- oder Informationsflüsse werden von der Rohstoffgewinnung über die Veredlung bis zum Verkauf aufeinander abgestimmt.

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    What Is Supply Chain Management (SCM)? ~ Supply chain management (SCM) is the oversight of materials, information, and finances as they move in a process from supplier to manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer to consumer. Supply chain management involves coordinating and integrating these flows both within and among companies. It is said that the ultimate goal of any effective .

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    Supply Chain Management (SCM) Definition ~ Supply chain management is the management of the flow of goods and services as well as overseeing the processes that convert original materials into final products.

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    What is inventory management? ~ Inventory management is the supervision of non-capitalized assets, or inventory, and stock items. As a component of supply chain management, inventory management supervises the flow of goods from manufacturers to warehouses and from these facilities to point of sale.A key function of inventory management is to keep a detailed record of each new or returned product as it enters or leaves a .

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