Beschreibung Start Your Own Wholesale Distribution Business: Your Step-By-Step Guide to Success (StartUp Series) (English Edition). You like doing deals and making money but don’t care much for the retail grind? You should be the middleman—the wholesaler—the one who buys goods in volume from manufacturers and sells them to retailers at a profit. With millions of products on the market already and new ones coming every day, the wholesale economy has plenty of room for growth. This guide reveals how to start a thriving wholesale operation, specializing in any industry you choose—and run it from your kitchen table, if you’d like. You’ll learn: • How to make contact with manufacturers and retailers • Which product lines will bring maximum success • Insider secrets for overcoming the competition • How to take advantage of the internet’s growing role in distribution • Effective strategies for increasing profit margins You’ll also get sample forms, step-by-step instructions, checklists and worksheets to guide you smoothly through each stage of the startup process. It’s a straight shot from where you are today to owning and running your own business—and you can start right now.
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