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    Coaching for daily Miracles: get more clients, help people, set the standard (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Coaching for daily Miracles: get more clients, help people, set the standard (English Edition). The e-book for people who want to help people and achieve financial freedom, at the same time. Are you coach or therapist and you do not earn a good living? This e-book will help you multiply your income and really help others. Do your customers sometimes overflow you with their problems? This e-book will help you to truly help your clients or patients. ¿How to be a coach? Get more customers, how to have a success consulting bussines, create a free lifestyle and become the reference in your coaching market. And achieve financial freedom.For purposes of this e-book, I will use the term “coach” to refer to all those people who help others. While personal coaches have different methods of working with clients and their specific roles may vary from one client to the next, this term will be used universally for the sake of simplicity.  This e-book fully describes the proven techniques that people like you can use to help other people: coaches, social workers, educators, consultants, therapists and psychotherapists, counselors, mentors, support professionals, and trainers. It is an e-book that will make you more effective in helping and serving others.In this e-book, I share what I have learned in the past seven years from my coaching practice with clients, none of which was taught to me by the schools I attended all my life.Although I am not a therapist or consultant, I wrote this guide because it can serve as a useful and practical manual for people who care about others and who desire to help them.

    Buch Coaching for daily Miracles: get more clients, help people, set the standard (English Edition) PDF ePub

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