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    How to Drink Like a Mad Man (Dover Humor) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung How to Drink Like a Mad Man (Dover Humor) (English Edition). Between the three-martini lunches and Scotch around the clock, it's hard to believe that advertising executives in the Sixties could remain conscious, let alone conduct business. How did they do it? The answer lies in this authentic document from Madison Avenue, circa 1962. Learn the secrets behind calling in sick, avoiding phone calls, and other boardroom shenanigans. "So side-splittingly funny, yet so dark with doom." — Boston Herald.

    Buch How to Drink Like a Mad Man (Dover Humor) (English Edition) PDF ePub

    How to Drink Like a Mad Man - Dover Publications ~ Between the three-martini lunches and Scotch around the clock, it's hard to believe that advertising executives in the Sixties could remain conscious, let alone conduct business. How did they do it? The answer lies in this authentic document from Madison Avenue, circa 1962. Learn the secrets behind calling in sick, avoiding phone calls, and other boardroom shenanigans.

    How to Drink Like a Mad Man (Dover Humor): Maloney, Ralph ~ "How To Drink Like a Mad Man" is a republication of "The 24-Hour Drink Book: An Executive Guide to Survival," a very funny, but ultimately sad, work of fiction originally published in 1962. It chronicles the life of WL, an executive with an unspecified but large company in Manhattan. WL stands for Working Lush, since his real work is trying to hide the fact that he is always at least a little .

    : Customer reviews: How to Drink Like a Mad Man ~ "How To Drink Like a Mad Man" is a republication of "The 24-Hour Drink Book: An Executive Guide to Survival," a very funny, but ultimately sad, work of fiction originally published in 1962. It chronicles the life of WL, an executive with an unspecified but large company in Manhattan. WL stands for Working Lush, since his real work is trying to hide the fact that he is always at least a little .

    How to Drink Like a Mad Man by Ralph Maloney ~ HOW TO DRINK LIKE A MAD MAN, newly republished by Dover Publications, is a very funny slam against those men, and some women, who populated the offices of Madison Avenue in the 1960s. Originally titled "The 24-Hour Drink Book: An Executive Guide to Survival," this instruction manual will get the well intentioned drinker through the day without getting fired.

    Ähnliche Autoren zum Folgen - : Günstige Preise ~ Bücher von Ralph Maloney Sprache: Sprache: . How to Drink Like a Mad Man (Dover Humor) (English Edition) 24.09.2012. von Ralph Maloney , Leo Summers Kindle Ausgabe. 6,98 € Taschenbuch. 10,45 € Nur noch 2 auf Lager (mehr ist unterwegs). ( 3 ) The Nixon Recession Caper 01.01.1972. Gebundene Ausgabe. 103,89 € Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 3 bis 4 Tagen. Taschenbuch. EUR 6,76 ( 2 ) Fish in .

    How to Drink Like a Mad Man - Ralph Maloney ~ How to Drink Like a Mad Man Ralph Maloney. Paperback € 9,45 + 18 punten . Op bestelling, levertermijn 1 à 4 weken. Eenvoudig bestellen. Veilig betalen . Gratis thuislevering vanaf € 25. Gratis levering in je Standaard Boekhandel / × Alle boeken voor deze auteur Geboren: Overleden: Sluiten. Specificaties. Productcode (EAN): 9780486483528 ; Verschijningsdatum: 18/04/2012 ; Aantal .

    Mad Men Cocktails: Top 5 Classic Drinks ~ Can you imagine how many drinks Don, Peggy and Roger have had throughout the seven seasons of Mad Men? It might be beyond measure, so we compiled five of the most iconic cocktails from martinis to .

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