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    Quantitative Measurements for Logistics (McGraw-Hill Sole Press) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Quantitative Measurements for Logistics (McGraw-Hill Sole Press) (English Edition). Utilize the Latest Measurement Tools and Computations Needed to Achieve World-Class Logistics Operations in Any Organization! Quantitative Measurements for Logistics offers you a wide variety of measurement tools and computations used in today's logistics operations, ranging from life cycle costs to maintainability computations. Covering every major area of logistics, this comprehensive resource examines break-even analysis…depreciation methods…forecasting… inventory computations…learning curves…maintenance management… quality control…queuing theory…repair level analysis…statistics…failure definitions…and much more. Filled with over 125 illustrations describing formulas and applications, Quantitative Measurements for Logistics features: A wealth of state-of-the-art logistics tools, methods, and concepts Detailed measurements followed by supporting calculations Subject and topic definitions included throughout Numerous military and business applications Inside This Cutting-Edge Logistics Resource• Acceptance Sampling • Availability Computations • Break-Even Analysis • Combinatorial Analysis and Probability • Depreciation Methods • Forecasting Methods • Inventory Computations • Learning Curves • Life Cycle Costing • LSA Computations • Maintainability Computations • Maintenance Management • Maintenance Time Management • Managerial Accounting • Mean Time Allocations and Predictions • PERT Computations • Project Earned Value Analysis • Provisioning Computations • Quality Control • Queuing Theory • Reliability Computations • Repair Level Analysis • Spare Part Computations • Statistics • Time Value of Money Computations • ILS Definitions • Failure Definitions • Maintenance Definitions • Logistics Activities

    Buch Quantitative Measurements for Logistics (McGraw-Hill Sole Press) (English Edition) PDF ePub

    Quantitative Measurements for Logistics (McGraw-Hill Sole ~ Quantitative Measurements for Logistics (McGraw-Hill Sole Press) - Kindle edition by Frohne, Philip T.. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Quantitative Measurements for Logistics (McGraw-Hill Sole Press).

    Quantitative measurements for logistics (Book, 2008 ~ Get this from a library! Quantitative measurements for logistics. [Philip T Frohne; SOLE--The International Society of Logistics.] -- This handy desk reference is a compilation of frequently used logistic formulas and measurement techniques used by both the military and business world. Unique is the fact that this book covers all .

    Quantitative Measurements for Logistics (McGraw-Hill Sole ~ Quantitative Measurements for Logistics evolved from my desk notes collected from over 25 years working in military logistics. I found that I had to relearn how to perform basic logistics calculations whenever I used them. During my Certified Professional Logistician (CPL) study, there was no single source for all of the logistics mathematics that would be on the exam. I took those desk notes .

    Quantitative Measurements for Logistics - Philip T. Frohne ~ User Review - Flag as inappropriate Quantitative Measurements for Logistics evolved from my desk notes collected from over 25 years working in military logistics. I found that I had to relearn how to perform basic logistics calculations whenever I used them. During my Certified Professional Logistician (CPL) study, there was no single source for all of the logistics mathematics that would be .

    Quantitative Measurements for Logistics (McGraw-Hill Sole ~ Quantitative Measurements for Logistics (McGraw-Hill Sole Press) eBook: Frohne, Philip T.: .au: Kindle Store

    Quantitative Measurements for Logistics (McGraw-Hill Sole ~ Buy Quantitative Measurements for Logistics (McGraw-Hill Sole Press) by Frohne, Philip (ISBN: 9780071494151) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.

    Quantitative Measurements for Logistics ~ Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Utilize the Latest Measurement Tools and Computations Neededto Achieve World-Class Logistics Operations in Any Organization! Quantitative Measurements for Logistics offers you a wide variety of measurement .

    Quantitative Measurements for Logistics - McGraw Hill ~ Quantitative Measurements for Logistics, 1st Edition by Philip Frohne (9780071494151) Preview the textbook, purchase or get a FREE instructor-only desk copy.

    Quantitative and qualitative methodologies in Logistics ~ Combining quantitative and qualitative methodologies in Logistics research Introduction. In today’s era of globalization the organizations and the economies run by the organisation are perceived by the world at large as Global village. But for this global village to exist in harmony and without any miscommunication, conflict and .

    The International Society of Logistics (SOLE) ~ McGraw-Hill SOLE Press – Inaugurated December 2005 – 4 volumes published to date Includes SOLE’s first commissioned work, Quantitative Measurements of Logistics by Philip Frohne, CPL, Chair, SOLE CPL Qualifications Review Board James V. Jones’s Integrated Logistics Support Handbook (3rd Edition) James V. Jones’s Supportability Engineering Handbook John W. Langford, CPL’s Logistics .

    Quantitative Measurements for Logistics / Engineering360 ~ Philip T. Learn more about Quantitative Measurements for Logistics on GlobalSpec. . McGraw-Hill books are available at special quantity discounts to use as premiums and sales promotions, or for use in corporate training programs. For more information, please write to the Director of Special Sales, Professional Publishing, McGraw-Hill, Two Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121-2298. Or contact your .

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