Beschreibung Dot.Bomb: The Rise and Fall of Britain (English Edition). For a heady nine months, until the spring of 2000, Britain had fever.'s youthful founders saw their fledgling company soar to a valuation of £750 million, and Martha Lane Fox became a media star. raised £3 million in just days to sell helth products online. Old-style industrial giantswere edged out of the FTSE 100 by e-commerce newcomers employing handfuls of people and losing a fortune... And then, just as swiftly, the bubble burst. London's hi-tech stocks followed New York's Nasdaq downwards., the flashiest website of all, went through £100 million in mere months in its mission to see designer sports gear. Financial analysts talked about 'burn-rate', and even the most glamorous start-ups couldn't defy the oldest law of business. Why did it all go so horribly wrong? Now, Rory Cellan-Jones tells the full story of this brief, fabulous, often farcical epoch, from our own now-forgotten Net pioneers to the exclusive few who really did make untold riches - like the man who thought up Freeserve - and follows the destinies of the dot.coms all the way from the glitzy launch to the deserted offices after all the cash had been burned through. Dot.Bomb is the compulsive tale of a never-to-be-repeated time when it seemed anyone could become an instant millionaire - at the click of a mouse
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The Death of Spin (English Edition) eBook: Pitcher, George ~ Synopsis Every decade has its own identity, key values and needs. The 1990s were the age of spin, when the materialism of the 1980s, the desire for instant communication and soundbite democracy came together in the spin culture. This book examines the rise and fall of spin in several areas .
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Soundtrack (Civ6) / Civilization Wiki / Fandom ~ " Back to Civilization VI The soundtrack of Civilization VI was written and orchestrated primarily by Geoff Knorr, who was assisted by Roland Rizzo, Griffin Cohen, and Phill Boucher.1 The themes of each civilization are played as different variations of the same song throughout the eras, with simple single instrument melodies in the Ancient Era turning into modern songs by the Atomic Era .
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History of English / EnglishClub ~ In some ways, American English is more like the English of Shakespeare than modern British English is. Some expressions that the British call "Americanisms" are in fact original British expressions that were preserved in the colonies while lost for a time in Britain (for example trash for rubbish, loan as a verb instead of lend, and fall for .
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