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    Telephone Cold Calling with Voicemail Strategies: Prevent Initial Contact Objections and Get Call-backs (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Telephone Cold Calling with Voicemail Strategies: Prevent Initial Contact Objections and Get Call-backs (English Edition). PREVENT initial contact objections such as, "not interested...," "...just send me your literature," "...already have someone." Doing just that will turn most cold callers success from 10% to 90%.The telephone cold call strategies in this book will help you prevent these objections by turning "screeners" into "coaches" and by pre-defining the prospect's initial needs. In addition, the methods you'll learn in this course will enable you to set priority appointments for future meetings.Additionally, you have voicemail to contend with. It’s almost rare that you can actually talk to the person the first time you call. This part of the book will present incredibly effective voicemail strategies and techniques that can help you reach the person you want, deliver important information in less than a minute to increase the number of times people return your calls.Objectives:• Use rapid rapport-building methods• Use techniques that build a coaching role for the initial contact person• Use strategies that PREVENT initial contact objections• Develop opening remarks for telephone cold calls• Set priority appointments• Utilize an effective strategy to cold call in-person• Locate your prospect using the voicemail exit function • Use voicemail as an advertising medium• Compose a 10 to 30-second high impact commercial• Use a compelling reason to return your call in your voicemail message

    Buch Telephone Cold Calling with Voicemail Strategies: Prevent Initial Contact Objections and Get Call-backs (English Edition) PDF ePub

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