Beschreibung Unleashing the Power of Digital Signage: Content Strategies for the 5th Screen (English Edition). Implement a successful content strategy that optimizes the return-on-message performance of your digital signage program. Learn the message attributes for each of the three core network types (Point of Wait, Point of Sale, and Point of Transit), how to measure the program's effectiveness and strike a balance that uses messages effectively alongside the other advertising campaign elements. Through the included interviews, gain access to the wisdom of more than 45 experts, each of whom has deployed and operated successful digital signage networks. The companion website,, features real-world implementations and video blog programming that includes interviews with industry notables.You'll learn how to: create a strategic communications blueprint and style guide for your networkkeep content flowing automatically-and therefore remaining relevantuse data on viewers and traffic to build a programming schedulelegally acquire and repurpose contentmore accurately predict where the future of content will leadForeword by Joe Pine and Jim Gilmore authors of "The Experience Economy" and "Authenticity"
Unleashing the Power of Digital Signage: Content ~ Mr. Kelsen's book, Unleashing the Power of Digital Signage, Content Strategies for the 5th Screen, (aside from owning a really long title) tries to capture the guidelines and best practices for creating and deploying content on almost all types of digital signage platforms.
Unleashing the power of digital signage : content ~ Get this from a library! Unleashing the power of digital signage : content strategies for the 5th screen. [Keith Kelsen] -- Implement a successful content strategy that optimizes the return-on-message performance of your digital signage program. Learn the message attributes for each of the three core network types (Point .
Unleashing the Power of Digital Signage: Content ~ Unleashing the Power of Digital Signage: Content Strategies for the 5th Screen (English Edition) eBook: Kelsen, Keith: : Tienda Kindle
Unleashing the Power of Digital Signage: Content ~ Unleashing the Power of Digital Signage: Content Strategies for the 5th Screen (English Edition) eBook: Keith Kelsen: : Kindle Store
Unleashing the Power of Digital Signage: Content ~ Implement a successful content strategy that optimizes the return-on-message performance of your digital signage program. Learn the message attributes for each of the three core network types (Point of Wait, Point of Sale, and Point of Transit), how to measure the program's effectiveness and strike a balance that uses messages effectively alongside the other advertising campaign elements.
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