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    iPhone Millionaire (ENHANCED EBOOK) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung iPhone Millionaire (ENHANCED EBOOK) (English Edition). Become a DIY Video Mogul in JUST 6 Weeks! It sounds crazy. But the iPhone you use every day is also the fastest money-making tool the world has ever known. This step-by-step, nuts-and-bolts guide from television-media producer Michael Rosenblum shows you how to take advantage of this fast growing business—and get rich quick—using your iPhone or camcorder to: CREATE VIDEO CONTENT LIKE A PRO EDIT AND GET IT ONLINE FIND YOUR CLIENTS AND START CASHING IN BUILD A CAREER THAT’S TRENDING Whether you’re a YouTube junkie, wannabe filmmaker, guerilla marketer, business entrepreneur, or new media professional, this hands-on guide walks you through every step of the process—from shooting and editing with the digital camera and software you probably already own, to marketing yourself online and selling your work in a variety of industries. The demand for new video content has never been so high. Now is your chance to get in on the ground floor. INCLUDES A 6-WEEK ACTION PLAN TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE AND LAUNCH YOUR CAREER! Michael Rosenblum is the father of ‘videojournalism’. He has built and designed cutting edge media networks and TV stations all over the world from Time/Warner’s NY 1 to Current TV. His clients include The BBC, The United Nations, Verizon, The Voice of America and many many more. He is the former President and founder of New York Times Television and has taught at Columbia University and NYU.

    Buch iPhone Millionaire (ENHANCED EBOOK) (English Edition) PDF ePub

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