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    Mirror Appointment Setting: How to Go Beyond Blitzing to Building Long-Term B2B Prospect Relationships Step-by Step (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Mirror Appointment Setting: How to Go Beyond Blitzing to Building Long-Term B2B Prospect Relationships Step-by Step (English Edition). Don't have a Kindle? No problem... simply download the free App for your device. You will see the free App download link appear when you click the BUY button.APPOINTMENT SETTERS! How Successful Are You In Filling Those Appointments?This book shows you HOW TO fill those B2B Appointments Step-By-Step in a very simple, yet powerful and easy to understand format. "Best book I have seen on this topic in 25 years" - Myles Urquhart, Director, Ness Consulting Pty Ltd.Every sales team dreams of filling all of their appointments. And isn't it fun to project sales for all of those potential appointments and dream "What if?!" But then reality sinks in. How do you get those appointments filled with qualified prospects? The never-ending challenge of sales is how to get in the door.Here's just a bit of what is covered in "Mirror Appointment Setting" :Quick Start Guide: In a hurry to get started? Just read the Quick Start Guide and dive right in.Mirror Marketer Hiring: Managers -- this section is for you!  Some of the topics covered:   -Mirror Marketer Hiring Process   -Qualitative Scenario Survey and more...Mirror Marketer Training: this is the "meat & potatoes" of this book. Includes:   Email templates   Phone scripts for:      -Qualifying a lead       -Decision Maker      -Receptionist      -Appointment Setting   Handling objections   Email MarketingStatus ID Ladder Game (yes, let's play a game and have fun!)... A "Screen Play" of "A Day in The Life of a Mirror Marketer". Here, you get to step into the Appointment Setter's shoes and experience Mirror Appointment Setting moment-by-moment.Techniques in this book are for those businesses striving to create & sustain a highly successful business over the long-haul, standing on a foundation of carefully & thoughtfully-constructed, reflective business relationships.This book is speaking directly to those of you who are tasked with setting business-to-business appointments for a salesperson or sales team and for those managing them.More comments from past customers"This book has a professional, non combative approach to appointment setting and prospecting that presents total common sense." - Myles Urquhart"I believe this liberating, insightful and educational book has arrived just on time on the sales and appointment setting scene." - O.A.OGUNTIMEHINWant to learn more?SCROLL UP AND GRAB YOUR COPY TODAY!This book's content is APPROXIMATELY 32,000 words, and is ABOUT 120 Kindle pages long.

    Buch Mirror Appointment Setting: How to Go Beyond Blitzing to Building Long-Term B2B Prospect Relationships Step-by Step (English Edition) PDF ePub

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