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    Spend Less Now!: A Checklist Program for the Decidedly Unfrugal (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Spend Less Now!: A Checklist Program for the Decidedly Unfrugal (English Edition). We're all creatures of habit--especially when we spend. But here’s the deal. Many common spending habits are decidedly unfrugal. Every year they drain your household coffers and leave you with less money. Spend Less Now! jars you out of these expensive ruts fast. Whenever you're about to pay for anything--a product, service, or monthly bill--you review a checklist tailored to that specific expense and loaded with tightfisted tactics. Within weeks, frugal routines replace old habits. And in the process, you save thousands.Skip the typical sermons about your financesMemorize nothing--learn by doingReceive frugal advice in real time, as you spendStop impulse purchases once and for allRevamp 95% of your household's expensesHarness the power of "repetitive repetition"Customize any checklist to suit your needsGrow your nest egg by working smarter, not harderPostpone budgets or avoid them completelyDitch unfrugal spending habits forever

    Buch Spend Less Now!: A Checklist Program for the Decidedly Unfrugal (English Edition) PDF ePub

    Spend Less Now!: A Checklist Program for the Decidedly ~ Spend Less Now!: A Checklist Program for the Decidedly Unfrugal (English Edition) eBook: Moose, A. Noonan: : Kindle-Shop

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