Beschreibung To dream or not to dream (Tycoon Series Book 1) (English Edition). Admired by some, heavily criticised by others, the Amway system isa synonym of multilevel or network marketing and direct distribution. For the first time ever, two top-insiders of the system tell of their experiences in the „World of Amway“.Work techniques and experiences in the most successful direct distribution system worldwide are laid open.The gripping and knowledgeable report is not written by just anybody, but by two „Ultimate Crown Ambassadors“ – the worldwide highest stage of success in the Amway hierarchy.Dr. Peter Müller-Meerkatz, born 1940, and Eva Müller- Meerkatz, born 1945, married, seven children, have been Amway distributors since 1976 an in the briefest amount of time qualified as leading representatives of the system.Their rise did not stay unnoticed by the media and was continuously commented on in a critical manner. For the first time, they give their own point of view with this book.Dr. Peter & Eva Müller-Meerkatz today live in a small town in Swabian Bavaria.
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