Beschreibung The Prepper's Workbook: Checklists, Worksheets, and Home Projects to Protect Your Family from Any Disaster (Preppers) (English Edition). A STEP-BY-STEP, DON'T-OVERLOOK-ANYTHING WORKBOOK OF DIY PROJECTS THAT PREPARE HOME AND FAMILY FOR ANY LIFE-THREATENING CATASTROPHEFrom earthquakes, tornadoes and hurricanes to floods, wildfires and even civil strife, disasters threaten your home and safety no matter where you live. Fortunately, The Prepper’s Workbook offers step-by-step instructions that will guarantee your family is fully prepared for whatever the world has in store, including: •Checklists to stock up on life-saving survival supplies•Projects to fortify your home from the elements•Maps to pre-plan your bug-out and evacuation routes•Blueprints to prepare your home’s defenses in case of societal collapse•Forms to keep personal information on each family member organized•Tips and tricks to maximize readiness while keeping costs down
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