Beschreibung Drunk Tank Pink (English Edition). Drunk Tank Pink' is a particular shade of pink. In 1979 psychologists discovered that it has an extraordinary effect: if you stare at it for two minutes, you dramatically weaken in strength. In this brilliant study of the strange recesses of our minds, Adam Alter reveals the world is full of such hidden forces that shape our every thought, feeling and behaviour – without us ever realizing. Some letters in product names make us more likely to buy them (nearly all successful brands contain a 'k' sound) We're more likely to be critical if we write in red rather than green biro Your first report at school can determine your future career Understanding these cues is key to smarter decision-making, more effective marketing, and better outcomes for our selves and our societies. Prepare for the most astounding and fast-paced psychology book since Blink and Predictably Irrational.
Drunk Tank Pink (English Edition) eBook: Alter, Adam ~ Drunk Tank Pink' is a particular shade of pink. In 1979 psychologists discovered that it has an extraordinary effect: if you stare at it for two minutes, you dramatically weaken in strength. In this brilliant study of the strange recesses of our minds, Adam Alter reveals the world is full of such hidden forces that shape our every thought .
Drunk Tank Pink: And Other Unexpected Forces That Shape ~ Drunk Tank Pink: And Other Unexpected Forces That Shape How We Think, Feel, and Behave / Alter, Adam / ISBN: 0884922157772 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
:Kundenrezensionen: Drunk Tank Pink: The ~ Finden Sie hilfreiche Kundenrezensionen und Rezensionsbewertungen für Drunk Tank Pink: The Subconscious Forces that Shape How We Think, Feel, and Behave (English Edition) auf . Lesen Sie ehrliche und unvoreingenommene Rezensionen von unseren Nutzern.
Drunk Tank Pink - Adam Alter - Google Books ~ Drunk Tank Pink' is a particular shade of pink. In 1979 psychologists discovered that it has an extraordinary effect: if you stare at it for two minutes, you dramatically weaken in strength. In this brilliant study of the strange recesses of our minds, Adam Alter reveals the world is full of such hidden forces that shape our every thought, feeling and behaviour – without us ever realizing.
Drunk tank pink : and other unexpected forces that shape ~ Get this from a library! Drunk tank pink : and other unexpected forces that shape how we think, feel, and behave. [Adam Alter] -- Why are people named Kim, Kelly, and Ken more likely to donate to Hurricane Katrina victims than to Hurricane Rita victims? Are you really more likely to solve puzzles if you watch a light bulb .
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Drunk Tank Pink: The Subconscious Forces that Shape How We ~ Drunk Tank Pink continues this trend as it focuses on how environmental cues influence and shape our behavior. There are three main sections to the book: symbols, social, and environment. Symbols focuses on how symbols influence our behavior (e.g., the power of the Swastika to evoke emotional responses) as well as how names can shape our destiny (e.g., familiar names or European names trump .
Drunk Tank Pink: And Other Unexpected Forces That Shape ~ Drunk Tank Pink proves that the truth behind our feelings and actions goes much deeper than the choices we take for . or download a FREE Kindle Reading App. Product details. Paperback: 261 pages; Publisher: Penguin Random House USA; Illustrated edition (25 Feb. 2014) Language: English; ISBN-10: 0143124935; ISBN-13: 978-0143124931; Product Dimensions: 13.9 x 1.7 x 21.3 cm Customer reviews: 4 .
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