Beschreibung This book will teach you how to write better (English Edition). Learn how to get what you want....Learn how to increase conversion rates on anything....Learn how to make it easier to write anything (using formulas and mind-hacks). The information in this book has turned keystrokes from my fingers, into millions of dollars in sales. Some of the concepts inside have been able to turn a poor man, into a rich man, by simply re-arranging some words on a page. This is an incredibly short book (about 54 pages) that you can read in one sitting. If this book gives you even one tip that increases the performance of your writing....(and keep in mind, writing is a skill you will keep your whole life)....then this will be a fantastic investment for yourself. This information is laid out in the same way I made my famous KopywritingKourse. The structure of that course just naturally taught people how to write better in a logical and fun way. This book is in the same format, except you can go over it anywhere (although watch the video KopywritingKourse for live examples). I invite you to spend 45 minutes with me reading this book. STEP 1.) Grab a beverage of your choice. I prefer a beer or tea when reading. STEP 2.) Grab a notepad and pen before starting (for notes) STEP 3.) Find a very comfortable place to sit and read this book. STEP 4.) Begin absorbing these mind-hacks and formulas laid out in the book....and apply them to your own writing. Enjoy the book, and please contact me if you have any questions before buying!Neville Medhora :: :: 713.301.1546
This book will teach you how to write better: Learn how to ~ This book will teach you how to write better: Learn how to get what you want, increase your conversion rates, and make it easier to write anything (using formulas and mind-hacks) / Medhora, Neville / ISBN: 9780989895309 / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
This book will teach you how to write better: Learn how to ~ Buy This book will teach you how to write better: Learn how to get what you want, increase your conversion rates, and make it easier to write anything (using formulas and mind-hacks) 1 by Medhora, Neville (ISBN: 9780989895309) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.
This book will teach you how to write better: Learn how to ~ Kindle eBooks can be read on any device with the free Kindle app. . This book will teach you how to write better: Learn how to get what you want, increase your conversion rates, and make it easier to write anything (using formulas and mind-hacks) Paperback â Aug. 22 2013 by Neville Medhora (Author) 4.4 out of 5 stars 426 ratings. See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions .
This Book Will Teach You To Write Better By Neville ~ This Book Will Teach You To Write Better by Neville Medhora walks you through all the basics of copywriting. Neville is a successful copywriter and entrepreneur who has helped launch numerous multi-million dollar businesses including AppSumo and House Of Rave. He is also the creator of Kopywriting Kourse, one of the most successful persuasive writing programs in the world. Joining Kopywriting .
: This book will teach you how to write better ~ This book will teach you how to write better - Kindle edition by Medhora, Neville. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading This book will teach you how to write better.
This book will teach you how to write better: Learn how to ~ Good book for starters like me. Gives what it promises. You will get an overview of useful techniques if you are just starting out. His writing style, however, is very light-hearted (I am afraid to use the word "shallow").Which leaves me thinking how could I write a copy in B2B segment, where it won't be acceptible.
This book will teach you how to write better eBook ~ This book will teach you how to write better Kindle Edition by Neville Medhora (Author) Format: Kindle . English; ISBN-10: 0989895300; ISBN-13: 978-0989895309; ASIN: B00F209U6S; Text-to-Speech: Enabled; X-Ray: Enabled. Word Wise: Enabled; Screen Reader: Supported; Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled; Customer Reviews: 4.4 out of 5 stars 428 customer ratings; Bestsellers Rank: #37,658 Paid .
This book will teach you how to write better: Learn how to ~ This book will teach you how to write better: Learn how to get what you want, increase your conversion rates, and make it easier to write anything (using formulas and mind-hacks) [Medhora, Neville] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This book will teach you how to write better: Learn how to get what you want, increase your conversion rates
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