Beschreibung How to Become a PUBLICITY MAGNET In Any Market via TV, Radio & Print (English Edition). Do you have a message, product or service that you believe in? Do you want to share it with the world, yet feel stuck in knowing how to make it happen? If so, then read on. This highly effective book gives you everything you need to know to radiate your presence, magnify your voice and attract the media’s attention so that you can exponentially grow your business and truly make a difference in the lives of other people.Known as "The Next Oprah Winfrey" by her peers, television host and business strategist Havilah Malone shares with you years of experience in the broadcast media industry while helping you to conquer limiting beliefs, master emotions, amplify your wins and create the empowering mindset necessary for you to get seen in the public eye. You will receive clever strategies and cutting-edge insights into the media mind that will help you to publicly make a greater impact while accomplishing your own goals and objectives. Get started now! Build your legacy, become a Publicity Magnet and live the life of your dreams.
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How to Become a PUBLICITY MAGNET In Any Market via TV ~ How to Become a PUBLICITY MAGNET In Any Market via TV, Radio & Print - Kindle edition by Malone, Havilah, Hemme, Susan. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading How to Become a PUBLICITY MAGNET In Any Market via TV, Radio & Print.
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