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    TELESALES SECRETS: A Guide To Selling On The Phone (English Edition)

    Beschreibung TELESALES SECRETS: A Guide To Selling On The Phone (English Edition). Telemarketing is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. It is also one of the industries with the greatest salary differences. While the majority of telemarketers make around the national average wage, the top phone sellers today make more than $1 million per year – some much more. This book explains what it takes to join the top of the phone seller elite. It will teach you not to call to talk, but to call to sell. It explains in-depth what generates a sale and it deals with call technique step by step, from cold call openers to asking for credit cards on the phone.Follow the advice of one of the world’s leading sales coaches and an expert in phone selling techniques to take your career to the next level. The no-nonsense approach will provide all the tools you need to turn cold calls and leads into deals.Learn how to deal with common phone sales obstacles and how to properly handle gatekeepers, voice mail, difficult clients and customer complaints. Use these simple techniques to turn customer objections into stepping-stones for your close.This book will make your pitch stronger and commissions higher. Give yourself the edge and join the phone seller elite.

    Buch TELESALES SECRETS: A Guide To Selling On The Phone (English Edition) PDF ePub

    TELESALES SECRETS: A Guide To Selling On The Phone ~ Words that best describe “Telesales Secrets: A Guide To Selling On The Phone are: informative, insightful, descriptive, captivating and even earth shattering that will not only help people in the Telesales arena but also in everyday sales. Author Claes Simonsen is a skilled master in the art of selling and this guide is living proof of that talent.

    TELESALES SECRETS: A Guide To Selling On The Phone ~ Telesales Secrets: A Guide to Selling on the Phone by Claes Simonsen contains a lot of advice on how to sell. It’s written from the perspective of someone who moved from management to telesales, which one would imagine is uncommon.

    TELESALES SECRETS: A Guide To Selling On The Phone Kindle ~ TELESALES SECRETS: A Guide To Selling On The Phone - Kindle edition by Simonsen, Claes. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading TELESALES SECRETS: A Guide To Selling On The Phone.

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