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    The PR Professional's Handbook: Powerful, Practical Communications (PR In Practice) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung The PR Professional's Handbook: Powerful, Practical Communications (PR In Practice) (English Edition). At a time when rapid changes in communications technology, such as social media, are having a major impact on the way businesses choose to communicate, more and more people are having to understand the principles of modern PR and how they can use it to underpin effective business management. The PR Professional's Handbook offers practical advice and solutions for anyone involved in the public relations function. The PR Professional's Handbook guides practitioners in preparing and evaluating campaigns. In addition to providing a full breakdown on the individual skills required in briefing, writing and presenting projects of different shapes and sizes, the book covers the role and importance of public relations and communications in organizations, addressing, in full, key theories for PR, skills and disciplines, channels and creativity.About the PR in Practice series: Published in collaboration with the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR), the PR in Practice series comprises accessible, practical introductions to day-to-day issues of public relations practice and management. The series' action-oriented approach keeps knowledge and skills up to date.

    Buch The PR Professional's Handbook: Powerful, Practical Communications (PR In Practice) (English Edition) PDF ePub

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