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    Phone Genius: The Art of Non-visual Communication (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Phone Genius: The Art of Non-visual Communication (English Edition). Take your communication to a whole new level. Become a Phone Genius!You probably already have a technical manual that tells you how to use your telephone efficiently. Yet there has never been a manual that tells you how to actually communicate effectively using this highly important piece of business equipment. Until now.In Phone Genius you will discover:• Why talking to someone you can’t see is so much harder than in person.• What technology does to your voice and how you can change that.• How to recognise behaviour and language patterns so as to pre-empt the needs and wants of others.• How to increase your effectiveness over the phone and gain better results.Michelle Mills-Porter passes on her skills in using the telephone as her main tool of communication. Using stories and lessons gleaned from her 25 years of making calls, building business relationships and securing high level appointments, Michelle will show you how you too can become a Phone Genius.

    Buch Phone Genius: The Art of Non-visual Communication (English Edition) PDF ePub

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