Beschreibung The Pocket Guide To Fashion PR (English Edition). The Pocket Guide to Fashion PR contains a wealth of advice and insider information on the exciting and fast paced world of Public Relations.Ideal for the new designer and some of the more established womenswear and accessory brands, this guide concentrates on the core aspects of establishing and maintaining a fashion PR plan, whether on your own or within a team.On the reading list for many of the UK's most revered fashion courses, it is an anecdotal companion that no designer should be without, this guide is an introduction to the skills and dedication needed by any individual wanting to raise awareness, gain recognition and ultimately increase the sales of their product.From press releases to general emails, meetings to industry jargon, The Pocket Guide To Fashion PR concentrates on establishing and maintaining a PR plan that works for you.
The Pocket Guide To Fashion PR Kindle Edition - ~ The Pocket Guide to Fashion PR contains a wealth of advice and insider information on the exciting and fast paced world of Public Relations. Ideal for the new designer and some of the more established womenswear and accessory brands, this guide concentrates on the core aspects of establishing and maintaining a fashion PR plan, whether on your own or within a team.
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Pocket Guide To Fashion PR ~ PR Guide Soph Author of The Pocket Guide To Fashion PR and The Pocket Guide To The Fashion Media. Founder of one of Londons' first boutique fashion PR firms, now a PR consultant and mentor. And a (very) big fan of new fashion talent. View my complete profile
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