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    Leadership Communication: How Leaders Communicate and How Communicators Lead in the Today's Global Enterprise (Public Relations Collection) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Leadership Communication: How Leaders Communicate and How Communicators Lead in the Today's Global Enterprise (Public Relations Collection) (English Edition). My graduate students like this book’s real-world focus on publicrelations as a strategic role in the C-suite. —Ron Culp, professionaldirector, Public Relations & Advertising graduate program,DePaul University; former Senior Vice President, Chief CommunicationOfficer, SearsLeadership in Communication is a cogent, bright, easily readabledefinition of what corporate communicators do. More than that, it’san uncommonly careful look at how strategic communication defines,drives, and creates value for a commercial enterprise—its employees,its owners, and those whom they serve. —James S. O’Rourke, IV,PhD, Professor of Management, Mendoza College of Business,University of Notre DameThe quality of leadership in any organization—business,social, military, and government—is enhanced or limited by thequality of its leadership communication. The authors assertthat leadership is given force by strategic communication thatproduces results required in competitive conditions. For theprofessional in enterprise communication, this brings intofocus two questions: What is the relevance of communicationin the leadership process of reaching best achievable outcomes(BAOs)? And, how does the primary communication professionalattain expert in uence and success in a leadership position?This book provides insights and guidance on functioning at thehighest levels of the corpo rate communications profession.

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