Beschreibung The Bluffer's Guide® to Public Speaking. Be an instant expert on Public Speaking and Bluff Your Way with any audience. No exertion required, just a sense of humour. From 'memorising'to 'mannerisms', and from 'presentation' to 'unplanned interruptions', here's all you need to know to sound as if you know it all.Extracts from the book: Opening lines Opening lines need only hold the audience for the first minute or two of the speech. This is because most audiences have the same concentration span as gerbils, and rapidly lose interest after this time. A pearl in the rough A speech is not expected to be comprehensive, or the last word on the subject. This gives you an ideal opportunity for bluffing. One little-known pearl of obscure or irrelevant fact will have more impact and do your reputation more good than any amount of sensible information. Indeed, by delivering it, the speaker is presumed by listeners to know about the subject in depth. Bravado Deciding what to say about the subject is easier if you happen to know something about it, but do not be daunted if you do not. Many professionals have made a handsome living out of speaking on subjects they know nothing about. Politicians and television personalities are fine examples of this. This is a Bluffer's Guide; Bluffer's Guides, Bluffer's Guide, Bluffer's, and Bluff Your Way are Registered Trademarks.
The Bluffer's Guide to Public Speaking: Bluff Your Way in ~ The Bluffer's Guide to Public Speaking: Bluff Your Way in Public Speaking (Bluffer's Guides - Oval Books) / Chris Steward, Mike Wilkinson / ISBN: 9781903096659 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
The Bluffer's Guide to Public Speaking Bluffer's Guides ~ The Bluffer's Guide to Public Speaking (Bluffer's Guides) / Chris Steward, Mike Wilkinson / ISBN: 9781903096826 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
The Bluffer's Guide to Public Speaking Bluffer's Guides by ~ The Bluffer's Guide to Public Speaking (Bluffer's Guides) by Chris Steward (2007-03-01) / Chris Steward;Mike Wilkinson / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
The Bluffer's Guide to Public Speaking Bluffer's Guides ~ The Bluffer's Guide to Public Speaking (Bluffer's Guides) (Bluffer's Guides (Oval)) by Chris Steward (2007-05-31) / Chris Steward;Mike Wilkinson / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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The Bluffer's Guide to Public Relations: Bluff Your Way in ~ The secrets of successful public relations (PR) are uncovered in this "Bluffer's Guide". Included are features on how to deal with press releases and corporate brochures, how to handle meetings and the media, creating corporate identities and how to cope with crisis. The book also shows how to give yourself the best PR by convincing your employer and/or your client that you are doing a first .
The Bluffer's Guides (Wolfe Publishing) - Book Series List ~ THE BLUFFER'S GUIDES (WOLFE PUBLISHING) Series Note: Each book in this series of small, humorous books was written by an expert with the aim of giving you a little knowledge and allowing you to pass yourself off before friends and work colleagues as an expert yourself in the chosen field. A taste of this series' amusing tongue in cheek style can be seen in the opening sentences of The Bluffer .
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