Beschreibung Applied Public Relations: Cases in Stakeholder Management (Routledge Communication Series) (English Edition). With its practical orientation and scope, Applied Public Relations is the ideal text for any public relations case studies or public relations management course that places an emphasis on stakeholder groups. Through the presentation of current cases covering a wide variety of industries, locations, and settings, Kathy Richardson and Marcie Hinton examine how real organizations develop and maintain their relationships, offering valuable insights into business and organizational management practices. The book’s organization of case studies allows instructors to use the text in several ways: instructors can focus on specific stakeholders by using the chapters presented; they can focus on particular issues, such as labor relations or crisis management by selecting cases from within several chapters; or they can select cases that contrast campaigns with ongoing programs or managerial behaviors.A focus on ethics and social responsibility underlies the book, and students are challenged to assess the effectiveness of the practices outlined and understand the ethical implications of those choices.This Third Edition features:25 new and current domestic and international case studies specifically chosen for their relevancy and relatability to students New "Professional Insights" commentaries where practitioners respond to a set of questions relating to their workIncreased emphasis on ethics and social responsibilityFully enhanced companion website that is connected with the text, including a test bank and PowerPoint presentations for instructors, and chapter-specific discussion questions and additional readings for students
Applied Public Relations Routledge Communication Series ~ Applied Public Relations (Routledge Communication Series) / Richardson, Kathy Brittain, Hinton, Marcie / ISBN: 9780415526593 / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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Routledge & CRC Press Book Series ~ Book Series published by the Taylor & Francis Group. You may use the navigation to our browse series alphabetically.
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