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    Publicity From The Trenches: For Pubished and Self Published Authors (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Publicity From The Trenches: For Pubished and Self Published Authors (English Edition). I wanted to write a detailed but simple book on publicity for authors. It can help anyone who is a first time author or authors who have written for many years. So many authors are unaware of the business end of selling their book and this book is devoted to helping them understand the complexities of publicity and how important it is to let people know about your book. Whether you are doing publicity yourself or hiring a freelance publicist or the publisher has a publicist working on publicity for you, the information in this book is important for you to know and understand. It will help you move through the maze of all the changes in publicity during the last few years.

    Buch Publicity From The Trenches: For Pubished and Self Published Authors (English Edition) PDF ePub

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