Beschreibung Foundation: A Blueprint For Business Success (English Edition). Neil Howe, author of Foundation: A Blueprint for Business Success, is an online media strategist who works with business owners to create a platform of authority for their marketing and advertising. He is a best-selling author, contributor to CNN, USA Today as well as Small Business Trendsetters and Business Innovators Magazine. Neil has been working to help businesses build a solid foundation of authority and give them the platform they need to explode their business in ever more competitive markets.He delivers an eye-opening look at the core of all business – positioning and authority, and teaches you the secrets to acquiring it, keeping it and using it to build a stand out business, increase your prices, and attract more high paying clients that generate referrals. You’ll get the time-tested strategies required to build trust and goodwill in an understandably skeptical world, and in turn, attract more business and profits while creating a legacy for your family.Neil Howe is “The Authority Architect.” He is the founder of A.C.E. Marketing based in Atlanta, Georgia.
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