Beschreibung The Appreneur Playbook: Game-Changing Mobile App Marketing Advice from the Pros (English Edition). Wish you could focus on making a great app or game, release it on the app store, and watch the praise, downloads, and cash roll in? You've likely already discovered that it just doesn't work that way. But you hate the word "marketing." Even if you did have the time and money to do it, where would you start? Here's the good news: simply learning a handful of tricks will set you ahead of 90% of the other app developers who are struggling out there. You'll be able to do more than just release a successful app--you'll have the tools to create a sustainable business.Within these pages is actionable, specific advice from the experts: successful app developers and entrepreneurs, mobile analysts, and mobile PR & marketing specialists. You'll gain insights that will empower you to see what's holding you back from real success, and plot a better course for your future.The book is based on 40+ hours of expert interviews in The Appreneur Summit. You can watch four of the most popular videos, free, at
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