Beschreibung Love-Based Copywriting System: A Step-by-Step Process to Master Writing Copy That Attracts, Inspires and Invites (Love-Based Business Book 2) (English Edition). Voted one of Small Business Forum's top 3 books every entrepreneur should read. Part of the highly acclaimed Love-Based Business series that has been featured on numerous media outlets including Forbes, CBS and NPR. If you're sick and tired of feeling like you need to use sales-y, slimy, inauthentic strategies to market your business, then today may be your lucky day.Yes, you ABSOLUTELY can sell more with love, and this book shows you how!In Michele's first book, "Love-Based Copywriting Method," she explains why traditional marketing and copy sells with fear (which is why it feels so awful) and how you can sell and market your business with love instead. In this book, "Love-Based Copywriting System," Michele rolls up her sleeves and walks you through her exact, proven system that she has used over the years to help her clients sell nearly $50 Million worth of products and services using love. You'll discover exercises, examples, templates and more -- in fact, it's designed to be a "copywriting course in a book." You'll get detailed, step-by-step teachings of everything from headlines to features and benefits to presenting your offer and more, so if you follow along and complete the exercises, by the end of the book, you've got your copy created.What readers are saying about the Love-Based Copy books:“Love-Based Copywriting offers an alternative to the kind of fear-based marketing that often feels so icky for both those creating it and those on the receiving end.” T.L. Cooper“The message is excellent and will be a book I'll recommend to all my clients.” Goodreads reader“Very impressed with this book. Filled with golden nuggets, it provides an excellent process for doing what the cover says: Writing heart centered copy.” Jessi Lohman“I work in marketing and most of what I do involves copywriting. This method really helped me lose the generic message and become more specific. The writing exercises are helpful. Can’t wait to read the rest of the series!” Goodreads reader“Best copy about writing copy I have read.” Christopher Sherrod
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