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    Writing Press Releases: A beginners guide (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Writing Press Releases: A beginners guide (English Edition). Writing press releases can be hard work, and knowing how to get your information published might seem like a confusing and fruitless endeavor. You might even be tempted to pay a professional writer to type up the release on you behalf, however this is a needless expense. The truth is that press releases are pretty formulaic – once you have the sections memorized and gain a little experience, you might be surprised at just how easy writing press releases really is. This book will help demystify press releases, and will explore how to write a simple and effective release without resorting to hiring a professional. You will also learn about how to distribute your press release, basic “press release etiquette”, and all about the different ways in which your press release can help your business. By the end o f the book, you’ll be ready to start crafting your own documents and will be your brand’s best advocate.

    Buch Writing Press Releases: A beginners guide (English Edition) PDF ePub

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