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    30 Day Reset: Brand, Business & Bottom Line (English Edition)

    Beschreibung 30 Day Reset: Brand, Business & Bottom Line (English Edition). Entrepreneurs starting a business grew 3 times (reported in 2013) the national rate, however, the challenge was staying in business longer than a year. Most people prepare to launch a business, but they do not create a plan to stay in business and compete. It's my passion to teach a client the magic of gaining media exposure while growing their brand, business and bottom-line with a strategy in 30 days. Yes. This can happen in 30 days. My book will show you how to create a goal and simply commit for 30 days (to start). Once you see the success of focusing on the goal and more importantly, doing the work consistently to stay in business, you will want to do more. Success does not happen overnight, but it will happen with consistency. According to Webster’s Dictionary, the word RESET, can be defined as, to set anew, fresh start, rewrite past mistakes, clean slate; basically, the ultimate ’aha’ moment, when you have finally figured the “ish” that has been holding you back and keeping you life hostage. Are you ready to press Reset? You know - make anew, rewrite past mistakes and start over? If you are like me, I say welcome to the ultimate reset: your brand, business and bottom line. This book is designed with you in mind, all the tools you need to stop co-starring in your life, and (finally) snag and accept your starring role. You will/can achieve the following in 30 days:Commit to consistency in brand, business & bottom-lineDefine your mission/understand your nicheCreate a winning public relations planMaster proven PR strategies and get noticedTap into your network and increase your net worth“If your starting a business or taking your business to the next level, this is a must have book for any entrepreneur's library. Learn from a veteran/experience PR expert how to play with the big fish and actually get results” ~ Agnes Davis, CEO, swim swim swim I SAY

    Buch 30 Day Reset: Brand, Business & Bottom Line (English Edition) PDF ePub

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