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    How I Conquered Call Reluctance, Fear of Self-Promotion, & Increased My Prospecting! (English Edition)

    Beschreibung How I Conquered Call Reluctance, Fear of Self-Promotion, & Increased My Prospecting! (English Edition). This Amazon #1 Best-Seller will increase your prospecting for new business!Everybody is promoting something, and most of us have some resistance to the process of getting other people interested in whatever you are offering.The resources in this book are from thirty years as a full-time sales performance coach. This information has helped thousands of people break through their barriers and find the will to make the prospecting calls they need to make. Many different perspectives are presented because everyone is different. The key is finding a state of mind that allows you totake action. From a bigger perspective, this book is about how to positively deal with the resistance you have to doing what you need to do to succeed. There is a part of you that doesn’t want to take any risks, but there is a part of you that is practically fearless. If you can learn to block out the part that is putting on the brakes and listen more carefully to the part that can do anything...you can find a way to make the prospecting calls you need to make! *****“Extraordinarily 'reader friendly' in tone, commentary, organization and presentation, "How I Conquered Call Reluctance, Fear of Self-Promotion & Increased My Prospecting!" is a impressively informative read from beginning to end. Imminently practical, this is one of those life-changing books that will linger in the mind and memory long after it has been finished and set back upon the shelf. Very highly recommended for community and academic library Self-Help/Self-Improvement reference collections.”Small Press Bookwatch: James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief, Midwest Book Review“Sid helped me develop an approach to prospecting and self-promotion that took me from struggling…to being in the top 1% of my company of 7,000 reps. If you are facing this kind of challenge, this book is the perfect place to start!"Randall G. Riley, CLU, ChFC; Northwestern Mutual“I nearly quit my sales position in my tenth year working in downtown Manhattan. A turning point was learning the psychology of Sid’s approach to overcoming prospecting resistance which is timeless and priceless. Within a year, I was earning over $1 million a year. It’s all right here in this book.”Barbara Treadwell, CLU, ChFC, CFP; Treadwell & Associates

    Buch How I Conquered Call Reluctance, Fear of Self-Promotion, & Increased My Prospecting! (English Edition) PDF ePub

    How I Conquered Call Reluctance, Fear of Self-Promotion ~ Download the Appendix. More About: How I Conquered Call Reluctance, Fear of Self-Promotion & Increased My Prospecting by Sidney C. Walker . This book will help you conquer call reluctance and fear of self-promotion. Everybody is promoting something, and most people have some resistance to the process of getting other people interested in whatever you are offering. The resources in this book .

    How I Conquered Call Reluctance, Fear of Self-Promotion ~ How I Conquered Call Reluctance, Fear of Self-Promotion, & Increased My Prospecting! - Kindle edition by Walker, Sidney C.. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading How I Conquered Call Reluctance, Fear of Self-Promotion, & Increased My Prospecting!.

    CHI OW ONQUERED CALL RELUCTANCE, FEAR OF SELF-PROMOTION ~ reluctance and overcoming the fear of self-promotion. I went to work for my dad’s agent in Gross Pointe, Michigan, a wealthy area in north Detroit on the St. Clair River. I rented a room in a mansion close to the office and headed off to the three-day training with four other guys. We learned about insurance products, which were limited compared to today’s. Much of the time was spent .

    How I Conquered Call Reluctance, Fear of Self-Promotion ~ My husband, Steve Watkins, just finished reading "How I Conquered Call Reluctance, Fear of Self-Promotion, & Increased My Prospecting." Here is his review: "This is one of the most profound books I have EVER read. It resonated with me like NO OTHER "self-improvement"/"sales mastery" book. Sid Walker's focus on getting your ego out of the way .

    How I Conquered Call Reluctance, Fear of Self-Promotion ~ My husband, Steve Watkins, just finished reading "How I Conquered Call Reluctance, Fear of Self-Promotion, & Increased My Prospecting." Here is his review: "This is one of the most profound books I have EVER read. It resonated with me like NO OTHER "self-improvement"/"sales mastery" book. Sid Walker's focus on getting your ego out of the way .

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