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    Corporate Reputation Decoded: Building, Managing and Strategising for Corporate Excellence (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Corporate Reputation Decoded: Building, Managing and Strategising for Corporate Excellence (English Edition). Corporate Reputation Decoded is the first book of its kind that traces the journey of Indian companies in building corporate reputation (CR). The book addresses CR in the Indian context and is in response to the growing interest of companies in this area.  The book explains the process of building, maintaining and strategising for CR. It also discusses various aspects of CR—company’s stakeholders, situations demanding CR interventions, and the impact of a company’s culture, ethics and leadership on its CR. The book expounds on these using Indian cases (Tata, Infosys, HUL, Reliance, Aditya Birla Group, HDFC, among others), which enhance the understanding of CR in India as well as benchmark CR best practices in India. The book is of major significance to CR practitioners, scholars, teachers, students and C-Suite professionals who will also find the techniques proposed in the book interesting as they can assess, evaluate, adopt and adapt strategies followed by other companies for reputation enhancement.  

    Buch Corporate Reputation Decoded: Building, Managing and Strategising for Corporate Excellence (English Edition) PDF ePub

    Corporate Reputation Decoded: Building, Managing and ~ Corporate Reputation Decoded: Building, Managing and Strategising for Corporate Excellence / Kaul, Asha, Desai, Avani / ISBN: 9788132117742 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Corporate Reputation Decoded: Building, Managing and ~ Corporate Reputation Decoded: Building, Managing and Strategising for Corporate Excellence (English Edition) eBook: Asha Kaul, Avani Desai, SAGE PUBLICATIONS PVT LTD: : Kindle-Shop

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