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    App Store Feature: How the Best App Developers Get Featured by The App Stores: The step by step process to get your app featured by Apple (English Edition)

    Beschreibung App Store Feature: How the Best App Developers Get Featured by The App Stores: The step by step process to get your app featured by Apple (English Edition). Are you looking for a magic formula to get your app featured by Apple or Google? If so, put down this book and get a healthy dose of reality, because there isn’t one.Still reading? Okay, good, because even though there may not be a magic formula for that elusive feature, there are some tips and tricks that will increase your chances.In this book, you’ll learn the app marketing hacks that the experts have been using for years, and that still work today, to get on the radar for Apple or Google to get featured. You’ll learn what the app store reviewers are looking for in featuring apps, and what kind of things you should avoid.You’ll also learn how to reach out to Apple or Google yourself, and get them to notice you. Plus, you will also discover a hack that we used to get a client featured by Apple.This book is short and action-packed with tips and tricks, so you can spend less time researching and more time executing.In this book, you will discover:- Factors That Apple Considers in Their Features- Expert Tips on How to Get Featured by Apple- Expert Tips on How to Get Featured on Google Play- How We Hacked Our Way to an Apple Feature- How to Write a Compelling Email Pitch- Two Creative Stories About Getting FeaturedABOUT THE AUTHORI started building apps in 2011 and my first app hit #8 under educational games. I started making a few hundred dollars a month, but had no idea what I was doing. Then in 2013 I decided to start a podcast so I could pick the brains of app creators that I admired including the co-founder of Shazam, Tapbots, Crossy Road, etc and that changed everything.Now I run an app PR agency, Runway.bz, where we’ve helped clients get featured by Apple, hit the #2 paid app overall, and get coverage on Mashable, Venture Beat and other major publications. I also write about apps on The Next Web, Entrepreneur.com, and on my blog AppMasters.co.

    Buch App Store Feature: How the Best App Developers Get Featured by The App Stores: The step by step process to get your app featured by Apple (English Edition) PDF ePub

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