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    Mechanics of Online Reputation Management: Repair & Control Your Name or Brand Reputation Online (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Mechanics of Online Reputation Management: Repair & Control Your Name or Brand Reputation Online (English Edition). Online reputation management, repair, and control for your personal name, company, brand, product, and any searched phrase that is important to you or your business. Control exactly what displays in the search engines for any name, brand, or entity with a series of secret, battle-tested strategies used by the most elite reputation management experts. Negative search engine results ruin careers, impede business growth, complicate relationships, destroy employment opportunities, and leave people feeling powerless, hopeless, frustrated, and tormented by the radically ambiguous, seemingly impossible landscape of digital search.This book gives back power and control to anyone seeking to influence their online reputation in the search engines. Now you can permanently suppress and eliminate negative items appearing on the first or second page of Google, Bing, or Yahoo. Most online reputation management services today do not effectively eliminate negative search results. The reputation management industry is cluttered with a lack of knowledge, experience, and integrity when it comes to making promises. Heavily grounded in Google algorithm patent research, over a decade of scientific testing, and measuring of results, the methodologies provided have been proven to work in over 3,000 campaigns. This book may be considered "disruptive", or "industry shaking", with guerrilla tactics for market domination, brand hacking, and social manipulation. With this book, you can:- Remove any negative online content from search results, regardless of type or industry.- Position any web property at the top of any search engine. - Access 100% success rate strategies, campaign templates, tools, resources, and processes. - Steal the leading industry experts' most effective tactics for delivering results to clients.- Manipulate websites, social platforms, audiences, and search engine algorithms.- Master the playing field where reputations are derived and repeatedly forged. - Cleanse, repair, polish, and permanently dictate what appears for any search phrase.- Fortify a digital firewall preventing any old or new negative content from appearing again.In-depth topics range from:Content removal campaigns, positive review strategies, negative property suppression, branding, rebranding, social media optimization, press releases & public relations.Combating bad news coverage, negative review sites, lawsuit documents, arrest records, mug shots, scam and ripoff reports, competitor attacks, rogue bloggers, fake profiles, and over 30 typical scenarios.Search engine positioning strategies with action steps for leveraging dozens of websites, platforms, media types, marketing mechanisms, and automation tools for making the process easy.Publishing resources for mass distribution of content, press releases, blog posts, articles, videos, images, presentations, audio files, podcasts, pdf documents, and any type of Internet media.Enjoy an advanced approach to search engine optimization explained in simple terms, the precise mechanics of SEO (search engine optimization) ranking factors for all types of web properties and online media, including everything how to create, optimize, publish, promote, and monitor progress. Includes a thorough overview of SERP’s (search engine results pages), how SEO works, on-page vs off-page SEO, tactics for reputation asset development, website optimization, profile creation, content marketing, linking strategies, press release distribution, content and link building automation, sourcing links from other websites, proven lists of sites to quickly acquire links from, social media marketing, brand visibility, social authority, reputation marketing, and so much more.

    Buch Mechanics of Online Reputation Management: Repair & Control Your Name or Brand Reputation Online (English Edition) PDF ePub

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    Mechanics of Online Reputation Management: Repair ~ Online reputation management, repair, and control for your personal name, company, brand, product, and any searched phrase that is important to you or your business.Control exactly what displays in the search engines for any name, brand, or entity with a series of secret, battle-tested strategies used by the most elite reputation management experts.

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    : Customer reviews: Mechanics of Online ~ Mechanics of Online Reputation Management by Tyler Collins is packed with useful information and step-by-step instructions on how to leverage the power of search tools in controlling your online reputation and "brand". I learned so much from this well-written book. Collins has an engaging writing style, breaking down complex strategies and ideas in a way that is easy to follow, even for the .

    Mechanics of Online Reputation Management: Repair Control ~ Mechanics of Online Reputation Management: Repair Control Your Name or Brand Reputation Online by Tyler Collins[D.o.w.n.l.o.a.d N.o.w Mechanics of Online Reputation Management: Repair Control Your Name or Brand Reputation Online F.U.L.L BOOKS]Mechanics of Online Reputation Management: Repair Control Your Name or Brand Reputation Online F'u'l'l D.o.w.n.l.o.a.dMechanics of Online Reputation .

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