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    Internet Marketing: Online And Facebook Marketing Made Simple With These To-The-Point Practical Guides (Online Marketing, Internet Marketing, Facebook Marketing) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Internet Marketing: Online And Facebook Marketing Made Simple With These To-The-Point Practical Guides (Online Marketing, Internet Marketing, Facebook Marketing) (English Edition). Internet Marketing: Online And Facebook Marketing Made Simple With These To-The-Point PracticBook #1: Internet Marketing: The Definitive Beginner's Guide: 13 Proven Online Marketing Strategies To Gain Tons Of Exposure And Acquire More CustomersThis book is a all-in-one packed beginner's guide, that provides ways and methods to get the most out of your marketing efforts regardless of the strategy you choose. It covers a wide array of topics such as content marketing, article marketing, and blogging, podcasting and video marketing, Kindle marketing, email marketing, forum marketing, PPC advertising (Facebook ads), search engine marketing (SEM), press release marketing and online classified advert marketing.You will be given instructions on how to optimize each one of these strategies and of course their advantages and disadvantages respectively. You will be able to evaluate them and make an informed and educative choice on which one suits better you and your needs. This alone will save you time and energy (and of course money) that would have otherwise be spent on the wrong marketing channels. So, do your research properly, decide and commit on the strategy of your choice and of course keep track of everything so you can later evaluate your return on investment (ROI).Here Is A Quick Preview Of What's Inside...#1 Blogging#2 Article Marketing#3 Podcasting#4 Kindle Marketing#5 E-Mail Marketing#6 Content Marketing#7 Forum Marketing#8 Social Media Marketing#9 Video marketing#10 PPC Advertising#11 Search Engine marketing#12 Press Release Marketing#13 Online Classified Advert MarketingBook #2: Facebook Marketing: The Definitive Beginner's Guide: Leverage Facebook, Maximize Your Exposure And Reach Tons Of Potential Customers On A ShoesIn this book you will learn the best ways to promote your business or products on Facebook, taking advantage of the various tools available today. You will find out how to properly set up Facebook pages, how to operate them, how to make the best of Facebook groups and of course Facebook advertising campaigns.You will learn how to professionally set up a Facebook page for your business, product or service, how to operate it and how to plan your content marketing campaign the right way. You will find out how to maximize your exposure using Facebook groups, how to select and use them to attract potential buyers to your Facebook page or even website.One of the best ways to reach the right audience for what you have to offer is undoubtedly Facebook's ad campaigns. Using Facebook advertising campaigns, you can choose to display your ads on specific segmented target groups of your choice. That way, you are getting the best ROI for your marketing campaign, as your ads will be only offered to people that have already displayed an interest for what you are offering, dramatically increasing your chances of getting a lot of potential customers. Although we won't get into too many details (as that would defeat the sole purpose of this beginner's guide) you will be given clear and concise step-by-step instructions on how to set up and execute your very first Facebook advertising campaign.Here Is A Quick Preview Of What's Inside...Getting You To A Quick StartFacebook Pages – Kick Start Your Marketing CampaignOperating Your Facebook Page The Right WayFacebook Groups And How To Make The Most Out Of ThemFacebook Advertising Campaigns ExplainedMaking Your Very First Advertisement With Step-By-Step InstructionsAttention: This bundle will not be offered at this highly discounted price forever! If you are ready to take a crash course on online marketing then make sure to grab your copy today!

    Buch Internet Marketing: Online And Facebook Marketing Made Simple With These To-The-Point Practical Guides (Online Marketing, Internet Marketing, Facebook Marketing) (English Edition) PDF ePub

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