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    When A Book Is A Gold Mine: The Entrepreneur's Shortcut to Market Domination (English Edition)

    Beschreibung When A Book Is A Gold Mine: The Entrepreneur's Shortcut to Market Domination (English Edition). “Travis Cody had struck business gold with “When A Book Is A Gold Mine.” He sets the bar for highly-executable information that will result in you being able to make a big impact in your life and your business.” James Schramko, Founder, SuperFastBusiness.com About the BookDale Carnegie did it with How to Win Friends and Influence People. Jay Conrad Levinson did it with Guerrilla Marketing. Anthony Robbins did it with Awaken The Giant Within. Tim Ferris did it with The Four-Hour Workweek. Suze Orman did it with The Courage to Be Rich. These business owners became household names and business powerhouses by publishing and strategically promoting their own bestselling books.Now, for the first time, you can do so, too. Why? Because a recently discovered proven technology combining book publishing and internet marketing can propel your brand to the top of your marketplace. In this book, you will learn the exact process entrepreneurs are using to grab and keep market share… and let the profits roll in! Author Bio:Travis Cody invented the Amazon Bestseller strategy for building your brand. A #1 bestselling author himself, he has helped dozens of other people become bestselling authors, including ten who became number one bestsellers. He is also a top advertising copywriter and has helped individuals and businesses bring in huge sums of money with the written word.In this book, you will learn the exact process entrepreneurs are using to grab and keep market share… and let the profits roll in!

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