Beschreibung Do We Need HR?: Repositioning People Management for Success (English Edition). Written by a leading team of authors with contributions from top HR professionals, Do We Need HR? is an important book which addresses issues surrounding the role, structure and challenges for HR departments and how the field may be affected by new types of organizations, networks and methods of working.
Do We Need HR?: Repositioning People Management for ~ Do We Need HR?: Repositioning People Management for Success (English Edition) eBook: J. Michie, Paul Sparrow, C. Cooper, Martin Hird: : Kindle-Shop
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Digital transformation: The three steps to success / McKinsey ~ Some changes are gradual and evolve toward an end goal, which becomes clear over time, and you need to make a number of small steps to do that. Sometimes you do this through external actions, such as acquisitions, investments, partnerships, or other external activity or statements. Or sometimes you do this through internal activity, such as the people you promote or the way you talk about the .
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