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    Native Advertising Arbitrage: The Secret Guide To The Fastest Growing Way To Make Money With Blogs in 2016 And Beyond (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Native Advertising Arbitrage: The Secret Guide To The Fastest Growing Way To Make Money With Blogs in 2016 And Beyond (English Edition). Native Advertising is the Fastest Growing Advertising Format on the Internet and is Predicted to Remain So Until At Least 2020“Probably the Best Introduction to Native Advertising and the New Way People are Driving Traffic and Making a Profit From Blogs”Arbitrage is simply buying something for a low price then selling it for a high price.Step-By-Step - Native Advertising ExplainedThis book shows you how to do this using Native Advertising to buy visitors to your site and make more money off those visitors with advertising than it cost you to get them to visit. This is repeatable, scaleable and proven, but it MUST be done the right way.The pioneer of this method was Scott DeLong who started his site ViralNova.com in 2013 with a basic Wordpress theme and rapidly scaled it to do $1million revenue within 8 months and all on his own. Things have moved on now and whilst that level of growth may be hard to achieve, it is still possible to very quickly scale a site using these techniques.Make This the Year YOU Create a Money Making Blog Using the Latest Proven MethodsThis book covers the entire step-by-step process:Niche and brandingCreating a siteSetting up and optimising your ad placementsCreating slideshow posts (and why you need these)Researching and creating money making contentUnderstanding analytics to find where you are making money and bleeding moneyOptimising traffic to only send profitable visitorsWhat the competition are doing wrongRapidly scalingIncreasing the value of your blog for a bigger exitYou Can Do ThisCan you create a post to your social feed designed to get the most likes and shares from your friends and followers and learn from which ones bomb and which ones do well? If so then you already have most of the skills you need."You Just Need a Blueprint to Follow""Rob Keast is an entrepreneur who has started and sold several web based businesses and is passionate about optimising and scaling digital businesses and sharing the processes to do so with others.Click on “Look Inside” to See the Proof and Find Out Much More!

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