Beschreibung Guerrilla Publishing: a sleaze-free guide to writing and book marketing (English Edition). Book marketing doesn't have to be awkward or uncomfortable. In fact, 95% of the “book marketing” actually takes place before you publish. It's about finding the value in your work, and communicating the benefits in a way that makes people beg for a copy.Stop wasting time & money on USELESS book promotion tactics!Don't let the gatekeepers squash your dreams of becoming a bestselling author.Take control of your publishing with a revolutionary new system for writing and publishing books that sell.TRAIN THE INTERNET TO SELL BOOKS FOR YOUYou'll learn:•how to write books readers love•self-publishing without getting ripped off•how to get hundreds of book reviews•paid advertising and release strategies•pricing and pre-orders•book giveaways for rapid listbuilding•how to target your audience•viral exposure and press coverage•setting up automated funnels so you spend less time promoting•marketing hacks so good they should be illegal•and how to reach your first $1000 on KindleLAUNCH BIG EVEN IF YOU'RE STARTING SMALL "Guerrilla" is a style of warfare intended to surprise and harass enemies. It can also mean using unconventional and usually inexpensive means to generate interest or raise concern among the public. That's basically how I'll use it: book marketing strategies from the trenches to help you win the publishing war. However, instead of "surprise and harass" I will focus on "surprise and delight." First you need to show up and get in front of the right people. Then you need to surprise and delight them. You need to be remarkable enough to be noticed. Few authors are using these strategies (yet) so it's relatively easy to outrank your competition, get more visibility and reach new readers. FREE BONUS WORKBOOKThis book is mostly theory and ideas, and links to a lot of external resources, but I've recently finished a companion workbook that goes into more detail and gives exact, step-by-step plans to follow. For a limited time, this book includes access to the 67-page PDF.This book is predicated on the belief that everyone deserves the chance to tell their story.There's never been a better time to change the world with a book that matters.
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