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    The Lost Art of Cold Calling: Turning the Tide with a Conversation (English Edition)

    Beschreibung The Lost Art of Cold Calling: Turning the Tide with a Conversation (English Edition). Once thought lost and replaced by modern technology, stopgap with emails and voicemails; the skill of cold calling finally returns to the business world in this semi-entertaining sales training book 'The Lost Art of Cold Calling'. Whether you are a B2B sales person or you're a business leader that relies on outbound sales. This could be one of the most important sales training books that you'll ever read. The author is a highly accomplished salesman and he shares the real reasons why cold calling is so hard and why so many sales reps fail at it.Also, find out why cold calling can be vital to business success and why sales training usually doesn't provide the tools needed to become an effective cold caller. In the longest chapter of the book the author shares in detail his cold calling approach which has allowed him to frequently engage in conversations with high level decision makers at major corporations for almost 20 years. The book also provides important details about which decision makers are the most effective for sales people to be calling as well as valuable information on corporate titles and small business owners. Included are cold calling scripts as well as email content, voicemail content and other phone tactics and strategies.'The Lost Art of Cold Calling' introduces these sales and cold calling concepts:Learn the important difference in outbound sales between Aligning on Timing and Turning the Tide.Find out how to use proven tactics like Quick Chat, Opportunity Knocks, Two Times, and Pretty Please to entice decision makers to pick up their phone.Learn how to understand your companies' True Value Proposition and why mastering that information is vital to becoming a great cold caller.Understand what it means to have a Must Reach decision maker and how next steps can add up into big sales pipelines and big success.Learn how to overcome any absolute or general objection by using an effective tactic called Education Trumps Objections.Find out why sales people need to always remember Time Is On Your Side.Make no mistake, the best sales people in the world are still the best cold callers. Success and control go hand in hand. Armed with cold calling skills the best sales people have far more control over their livelihood than their emailSing counterparts. These fearless cold calling warriors have the power to impact the timing of purchases by thrusting information on decision makers that may not have otherwise been known. Rather than waiting to align on timing, great sales people instead seek to turn the tide with a conversation. This book will help you do just that.

    Buch The Lost Art of Cold Calling: Turning the Tide with a Conversation (English Edition) PDF ePub

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