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    I GET YOU: How communication can change your destination (English Edition)

    Beschreibung I GET YOU: How communication can change your destination (English Edition). Good and effective communication is the key to success. I GET YOU offers a practical approach to unlocking your communication super powers.We use between 16,000 and 45,000 words every day. So communication must be easy, right? Wrong. We’re constantly competing with the internet, social media, email, lack of time and the general noise of life.Are our messages being heard and understood? Do we stop and really listen to others?When was the last time you practised and improved your face to face communication skills?How you communicate in sales presentations, sales meetings, social occasions, networking or when meeting people for the first time can influence your outcomes dramatically.I GET YOU helps you to transform your business communications and personal communications so your messages are clear and meaningful. Use its strategies to become more in influential, develop stronger relationships and change your destination.Experienced speaker and mentor, Warren Tate, takes you on a journey of continued development with every chapter. He makes complex, scientific-based principles simple to understand, so you can clarify your message. He also reminds us that communication is two-way. Consider the listener as well as your message. Warren shows how successful face-to-face communication can be learned and mastered.

    Buch I GET YOU: How communication can change your destination (English Edition) PDF ePub

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