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    Straight Talk About Public Relations: What You Think You Know Is Wrong (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Straight Talk About Public Relations: What You Think You Know Is Wrong (English Edition). Straight Talk About Public Relations is for those who want to learn the essentials of PR, including how to write a compelling press release, successfully pitch the media, write an editorial that wows, create a persuasive social media campaign, engage audiences with powerful content marketing, and measure PR success.Robert Wynne uses wit, humor, and, yes, straight talk to help readers learn the art of public relations.Public relations is the persuasion business. It’s about convincing the media, potential customers, the public – someone – to do something the reader wants – write about their firm or client, purchase their service or product, support their ideas. The book is perfect for entrepreneurs, small business owners, students, and those new to the PR business. It differs dramatically from the competition in that it separates fact from fiction, reality from fantasy. Readers will learn that there are no easy solutions and quick results (in spite of what many authors say). Persuading people to buy products or services or support causes is difficult. But there are tactics that work, and readers will find them in this book. They’ll learn:What PR really is . . . and isn’t, why it works, and why advertising doesn'tProven techniques for performing the essential PR functions needed to effectively promote products, services, and causesWhere the media get their stories as well as secrets about how to reach and influence themWhy most social media is a waste of time, but how some social media strategies for PR really workHow to use self-published posts, articles, videos, and other forms of content marketing to support their PR effortsWhy the five best PR campaigns of all time succeededTechniques to gauge the impact of their PR effortsBottom line: readers will learn that how well they write and deliver their messages are the keys to PR success. And this book will offer them those keys – the essential tools they need to know and will soon be able to master.

    Buch Straight Talk About Public Relations: What You Think You Know Is Wrong (English Edition) PDF ePub

    Straight Talk About Public Relations: What You Think You ~ "Whether you’re trying to write a compelling press release, pitching yourself or your product for media coverage, or creating a social media campaign that works, Robert Wynne’s Straight Talk about Public Relations tells you everything you need to know." ― Dave Boone, two-time Emmy and Writers Guild of America Award-winning writer, from the Foreword

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