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    A Marvellous Reputation: 10 Lessons from My Life as a PR Insider for Entrepreneurs Who Want To Be Talked About (English Edition)

    Beschreibung A Marvellous Reputation: 10 Lessons from My Life as a PR Insider for Entrepreneurs Who Want To Be Talked About (English Edition). Lucy Matthews is widely regarded as the UK entrepreneur's PR expert. She has been a PR consultant for over 35 years, helping thousands of entrepreneurs and small business owners understand and use the power of PR in their work and personal lives.This book will take you on her journey to realising the true value of good third-party endorsement, offering 10 Public Relations tactics to use right now to make your business, and your life, super-successful.When you read this book, you will learn:•How to harness the power of third party endorsement to communicate your messages most powerfully to your target audience•Why every business should have a crisis management plan•The tried and tested formula for getting journalists to talk about you•How to be interesting, even when you think you are not•How to use PR skills to establish yourself in a new community or simply to make new friendsA Marvellous Reputation is for entrepreneurs and business owners who hate blowing their own trumpet but who know they are the best at what they do, and want to really show others that they are the person (or business) to be with.About the Author:Lucy Matthews is a highly driven PR expert and performer with over 30 years’ experience in the world of PR. She has helped thousands of entrepreneurs and small business owners to understand and use the power and value of implementing PR in their work and personal lives. She is widely regarded as the UK entrepreneur’s PR expert.

    Buch A Marvellous Reputation: 10 Lessons from My Life as a PR Insider for Entrepreneurs Who Want To Be Talked About (English Edition) PDF ePub

    A Marvellous Reputation: 10 Lessons From My Life As A PR ~ A Marvellous Reputation: 10 Lessons From My Life As A PR Insider For Entrepreneurs Who Want To Be Talked About: Matthews, Lucy: .tr

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