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    PINPOINT: How challenging the norm is the only route to success in selling sponsorship (English Edition)

    Beschreibung PINPOINT: How challenging the norm is the only route to success in selling sponsorship (English Edition). Selling sponsorship is one of the most effective and profitable strategic business tools for any organisation. Whether you oversee a billion-dollar corporation, a medium-sized charity, a local arts council, or even a neighborhood children’s football team, sponsorship needs to be part of your revenue and marketing mix.Not only does sponsorship bring in money, but it also drives engagement in a way that traditional marketing can’t. Businesses, sports teams, music festivals, conferences, live events, small clubs and groups, nonprofits, and start-ups have all begun to realise the power of commercial collaboration and what those partnerships can deliver to their bottom line.But there’s a catch. Selling sponsorship in today’s landscape requires a different approach and some specialised knowledge that isn’t readily available. This book will show you the pitfalls to avoid to ensure that virtually anyone can succeed.

    Buch PINPOINT: How challenging the norm is the only route to success in selling sponsorship (English Edition) PDF ePub

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    Pinpoint How Challenging The Norm Is The Only Route To ~ PINPOINT: How challenging the norm is the only route to success in selling sponsorship - Kindle edition by Fast, Jackie. Download it once and read it Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets.

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