Beschreibung PR Matters: A Survival Guide for Church Communicators (English Edition). Is your church prepared to handle a crisis well? Do you have a plan in place for how to deal with negative comments on social media? Are you afraid to try new communications methods?In PR Matters, Justin Dean provides practical advice on how to communicate the gospel well and reach more people in a world that wants Christians to be bland.Praise for #PRMatters..."Justin knows communication. He not only led communication through one of the most difficult moments in the church in the last 20 years, but he has coached leaders in great seasons as well. If you want to understand church communications, you need to listen to Justin Dean."- Carey Nieuwhof (@cnieuwhof), Best-Selling Author and Founding Pastor of Connexus Church"Justin has a big heart for helping churches communicate better. Which is admirable considering what he has gone through. PR Matters is full of practical advice that your church can't afford to ignore.” - Tim Schraeder (@timschraeder), Church Communications Specialist"Justin is a church communications practitioner at heart, and PR Matters gets right to the point with practical tips that will help your church—no matter the size. I'm so glad he's chosen to share so many valuable tips in this book so that other churches can learn from his many years of experiences.”- Dave Adamson (@aussiedave), Social Media and Online Pastor, North Point Ministries"In many churches, communication is completed by volunteers or paid staff that believe they can do what is done in the business world in the church world. The Church is not a business, so this thinking is a mistake. Having led both churches and companies, church communication is a different animal in a totally different world. Justin’s book helps provide insight needed to be successful in the church world. There are probably only a handful of people in the world with Justin Dean’s experience of overseeing the 582k Twitter followers, 320k Facebook followers, 250k weekly website visitors, and 100k weekly podcasters. The hard lessons he has learned and put into this book are a blessing for all churches across the world. I urge all pastors and church leaders to read this book."- Sutton Turner (@suttonturner), Former Executive Elder and Executive Pastor, Mars Hill Church, Seattle, WA"Too many churches don’t realize the importance of PR until it is too late. Other churches have simply delegated control of their church’s PR to people who don’t understand PR’s importance, or the ways in which it is changing. Every church will learn from Justin's deep understanding and background in PR. Make PR Matters the one book your church leadership reads this year. The practical knowledge they will walk away with is truly priceless and will transform your church’s communications."- Justin Brackett (@justinthesouth), Digital Communications Director, Seacoast Church"By far; the most-current, most-relevant read for anyone wanting their church to weather a crap storm. Oh look! The clouds are on the horizon. This book is your umbrella."- Mark MacDonald (@markmac1023), Strategic Communication Catalyst, Florida Baptist Convention & Best-Selling Author, 'Be Known For Something'
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