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    The BadRedhead Media 30-Day Book Marketing Challenge (English Edition)

    Beschreibung The BadRedhead Media 30-Day Book Marketing Challenge (English Edition). · 2017 Readers’ Favorite Silver Award Winner (Non-Fiction)!· 5/5 STARS, Readers Favorite!· 4/4 STARS, IndieReader!THE SINGLE BEST TOOL every writer needs NOW to build, boost, and grow their author platform.Unsure how to market your book or feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of author platform options out there (or not even sure what the term means)? Ever wish someone could break it down for you in simple steps? Then this is the book for you! Over the course of one month, Rachel provides you daily challenges containing a wealth of information, and easy to follow assignments to help energize your book sales. If you haven’t released your book yet, this book will help you set the stage necessary to build the strongest foundation possible for success. Topics include: * Twitter secrets * Facebook page must do's * Social media ideas you might not know or haven’t thought of * Promotion, giveaways, and other book marketing secrets * Website, blogging, and SEO tips designed just for authors All writers, bloggers, and small businesses can benefit can benefit from this guide.“When it comes to social media marketing for authors, no one knows more than Rachel Thompson. She practices what she preaches and has helped dozens of our authors enjoy significant leaps in their social media standing.”Steve Bennett, Founder & Creative Director, AuthorBytes “This book is an amazing compilation of data and resources that only someone with years of experience could pull together. As a book marketing specialist myself, I’m still blown away by the amazing content Rachel provides. If you’re writing or marketing a book, this is a MUST-HAVE. “Alexa Bigwarfe, Author Coach & Owner of Kat Biggie Press Digital Media Co.Buy this book right now and get started. Your only regret is that you waited so long!

    Buch The BadRedhead Media 30-Day Book Marketing Challenge (English Edition) PDF ePub

    The BadRedhead Media 30-Day Book Marketing Challenge ~ The BadRedhead Media 30-Day Book Marketing Challenge (English Edition) eBook: Rachel Thompson: : Kindle-Shop

    The BadRedhead Media 30-Day Book Marketing Challenge ~ The BadRedhead Media 30-Day Book Marketing Challenge - Kindle edition by Thompson, Rachel. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The BadRedhead Media 30-Day Book Marketing Challenge.

    30-Day BadRedhead Media Book Marketing Challenge ~ The BadRedhead Media 30-Day Book Marketing Challenge -- buy it now! Are you unsure how to market your book? Do you feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of author platform options out there (or not even sure what the term means)? Do you wish someone could break it down for you in simple steps? Then this is the book for you! Over the course of one month, Rachel provides you daily challenges .

    30-Day Book Marketing Challenge by @BadRedheadMedia AKA ~ 30-Day Book Marketing Challenge by @BadRedheadMedia AKA @RachelintheOC #bookreview I’ve decided to share some of my favourite non-fiction books here on the blog. THE SINGLE BEST TOOL every writer needs NOW to build, boost, and grow their author platform.

    BadRedhead Media 30-Day Book Marketing Challenge: How to ~ BadRedhead Media 30-Day Book Marketing Challenge by Rachel Thompson is an easily read tutorial in book marketing that focuses on social media and common sense judgement calls that I see as any writer’s must-have resource. Even though Thompson dubs this as a thirty-day challenge, this is a valuable instructional guide that not only assists in marketing, but gives the reader in-depth .

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